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Gold Prospecting Lease - 10Km from Mount Magnet


Executive Summary:

The Prospecting Lease P58/1972 is located only 10km east of the mining town of Mt Magnet, a prominent locality for Gold Mining within Western Australia.

The tenement is situated on a Greenstone belt made up primarily of both Metabasalts and Banded Iron formations of the Norie Geological Group. This Greenstone Belt intersects the lease from North to South providing extensive exposure. The Greenstone units of the Norie Group display prominent Magnetite and Iron in locations hosted within P58/1972, most notably in the North of the lease.

The western portion of the tenement lies in another greenstone unit, being a Basalt of the Youanmi Terrane. While the eastern boundary of the lease flanks a massive intrusive volcanic unit being Monzogranite.

The Norie Geological Group contains a number of rock type complexities and changes, which include but are not limited to local fault and shear zones, Greenstone-Ultramafic contact zones and intrusive Quartz-Carbonate veining. All of these geological features are known to have the capacity to host gold mineralisation in various areas of the Goldfields.

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