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Gold Prospecting Lease - 10Km from Mount Magnet


Executive Summary:

The Prospecting Lease P58/1975 is located only 11km east of the mining town of Mt Magnet, a prominent locality for Gold Mining within Western Australia.

The tenement is situated on a Greenstone belt which forms part of the Singleton Formation. The lease contains three different Geological Lithologies being Basalt, a psammitic and pelitic schist (Metamorphises Sandstone) and a Monzogranite.

The Geology displays signs of large scale deformation and heating, with the Monzogranite located on the eastern portion of the lease the likely source of such heat and/or pressure.

Of interest the lease has already had a number of quartz outcrops identified by prior fieldwork, with some showing indication of Iron mineralisation being present.

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